Studs: Ice Pipe 7"

Studs: Ice Pipe 7"

Tags: · 2024 · 20s · 7" · hardcore · hcpmf · Under The Gun Records
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Demented and ugly hardcore punk for the deranged recorded by ugly weirdos during the first lockdowns of the pandemic in 2020 - contains voice recordings of actual murder threats made to the band. (Feat. members of Snooper & RRC)

300 copies on blood splatter vinyl includes 11x17 poster with art by Meat Dog

Our take: Ice Pipe looks to be the sole release from this (presumably) long-distance project featuring Connor from Snooper and G.U.N. and someone from the Australian project Research Reactor Corp. I imagine many people will hate Studs right off the bat, as there’s a bratty sense of obnoxiousness at the core of these tracks. The drums (a mix of acoustic and electronic, I believe) are jittery and over-caffeinated, the vocals sound like a wild animal in pain, and the sounds are harsh and tinny. If you can listen past those things (or if you’re the kind of sicko who is drawn to them), you get a lot of great riffs (that’s where you can hear the G.U.N. connection) plus the dirge “Stud Fucker,” which steers the sound in a Flipper-esque hooky dirge direction. Like I said, this isn’t for everyone, but a handful of freaks are gonna love it.