From Jimmy:
Boy, are you guys gonna hate Jimmy today.
Up first is Spud And The Blood, a project that not only stands to be the newest entry in the esteemed Abnormal Broadcasting catalog, but has also quickly become one of my personal favorites. Definitely up there with the likes of S.B.F., Phoebe, and The Snails, the last of which being the band that the sole creator of Spud And The Blood, Conrad Talamantes, plays drums in, hence the repurposing of various Abnormal Broadcasting musicians for the group‰۪s live line-up (with Conrad on vocals, Grant [of Sunk, The Snails, and lord knows what else] on guitar, Christian [of The Snails and The Must] on keys, Ian [of The Snails] on drums, and Dahlia [of P.E.A.R.L.] on bass). Both this and Caveman Movies, another band Conrad writes the music for, were described to me as ‰ÛÏhis babies‰ ‰ÛÒ somethin‰۪ must be off with that guy‰۪s spunk then, because both of those bands are jank as hell. In a good way, obviously. Being in a similar shit-smeared vein as Caveman Movies, Spud And The Blood instead relies on warbling synth tones to project its music into sheer obscurity, as opposed to dense, muddy riffs somewhat akin to, y‰۪know, a caveman fucking around with a primordial-sounding guitar; which is still present here, especially throughout the entirety of ‰ÛÏKeep Going‰, though it isn‰۪t at the forefront of the mix this time around. What all of this congeals into is a bizarre, circus-like synth project that‰۪s light on gimmicks and unsurprisingly heavy on outright-hooky, memorable melodies. It‰۪s extremely weird, but like Caveman Movies, it‰۪s tastefully so. I know anyone who‰۪s had the misfortune of talking to me over the past few days has had to endure the sound of me humming to the tune of ‰ÛÏThe Panic Of ‰Û÷16‰.åÊ