"Big, groovy, polytoxikoman, psychedelic, punk rock nightmare debut long player by Berlins' unpredictable, multi-dysfunctional, multinational boy group. As majestic, tragic, delirious and powerful as...well, a sick horse. Buy it." Sig Vishnu (Heavy Metal) "Sick horse play loud. Sick horse play hard. Sick horse play tight. And if you don't like the songs it doesn't fuckin matter cos they've been up for two days and they didn't miss a beat." Daryl Sulfate (Diät)
Our take: I’ve been trying to think of a way to describe Sick Horse’s music, but I’m drawing a blank. They have this way of skirting categories… they’re too fast and too punk to really be accurately labeled a post-punk-inspired band, they’re too melodic to really be a hardcore band, and they’re too cerebral and angular to fit the mold of a straight up punk band. But even though they’re none of those things, somehow they’re also all three at the same time. I guess that they have a similar mix of elements as a band like Hot Snakes, but when I try to pin down that comparison Sick Horse don’t sound much like Hot Snakes at all… while the stew of influences might be similar, vibe-wise this is totally different… slightly loose and organic where Hot Snakes are nervy and wound super tight. Jeff said that Sick Horse sounds like Heavy Metal (the band, not the genre) with the goofy / campy elements removed, and I suppose that I can hear that as well, particularly on a track like “Culture Is Getting High,” which closes out the a-side quite brilliantly. I must say that I’m really looking forward to being done writing this description, because while analyzing their music feels like a fruitless activity, listening to Sick Horse is a really fun activity that I would very much like to get back to.