12" reissue of this dark anarcho punk band's first 7" EP. It's funny, I've had the Part 1 LP several times and always ended up selling it eventually. It's one of those records that's sort of objectively good, but hard to listen to... it's just so dense and dark that listening to it is just depressing (sort of like the vibe of Joy Division's Closer, though the two records share few sonic similarities). I'd never even heard their first EP, but now I can officially say I love it! It's still dark anarcho-punk, but whereas the LP is really depressing and dirge-y, this is slightly more upbeat and has that nearly-pop element shared by many of my favorite anarcho bands. The packaging is also gorgeous on this one, expanding the cover to a full 12" gatefold full of killer artwork, and taking the tiny lyric booklet that came with the original and blowing it up to a full-size, newsprinted zine-style insert (a la the Crazy Spirit LP) with even more killer illustrations. A well-deserved and well-executed reissue!