Arriving in 2019 from the city of the living dead (that’s Pittsburgh), Heavy Discipline are back with their debut 12” of hardcore patterned in the classic X-Claim! mold and walking the line between anthemic and brutal. Lyrically of the moment, but musically timeless, these 12 songs are a constant tug of war between thrashing precision and the threat chaotic collapse.
Our take: Painkiller pressed this Pittsburgh band’s demo to vinyl a while back, and now they’ve given us their debut LP. Painkiller has been a go-to label for modern bands modeled on the early 80s Boston hardcore tradition, and Heavy Discipline is a perfect fit. This is one of those records that is so perfectly executed that you could trick a poseur into thinking it’s a long lost release from the X-Claim! Records catalog… it’s like 50% Kill for Christ, 50% Get it Away, and 100% killer. And while the production is right on the nose, the songwriting doesn’t feel like a mere pastiche of Heavy Discipline’s influences. Recommended for fans of X-Claim! Records, the first Boston Strangler LP, Sam Adams, and baked beans.