"Chicago is a violent place ‰ÛÒ violence that is both immediate and implied ‰ÛÒ and Blystex are a product of that violence. Their first statement, Nasty Licks, is not a cute recording; it‰۪s not playful or fun. Nasty Licks is six stompers of primal proto-hardcore beats behind guitars that sound like a bite to the windpipe. The lyrics paint Chicago as a jungle and cast scenes about predators and prey.
To be young in Chicago is be watched and scrutinized, but to be young, a woman, and an immigrant is to be more than watched, it‰۪s to be hunted ‰ÛÒ to be stalked by beasts hiding at the end of the block. These are not revolution songs; these are songs of affirmation and declarations of resilience while fighting through the brush because while Blystex declare ‰ÛÏI am not an animal!‰ they are hunted just the same."