Heretofore Radio Raheem has been known primarily for re-releasing killer, unheard hardcore and metal, but with this Androids 7" they move to the slightly poppier confines of Belfast, Northern Ireland circa 1978. That said, Androids definitely have more of a punk edge to their sound than bands like Rudi, Protex, and the Undertones, which are the names that typically come up when people think back on that scene. I guess rather than taking the Undertones ball and rolling with it as so many bands did, Androids seem like they were more inspired by the rawer sounds of the Outsiders, but this is even harder than that, almost bordering on something that could be one of the poppier releases on a label like Riot City. As is typical with Radio Raheem reissues, this comes with an insert packed with photos and lots of information. If this sound an era is your steez you will definitely want to check this out!