From start to stop this is pure rage in the truest sense. The Denver Wolfpack has been running strong for a while now and if the likes of ASBESTOS, SNARLING HATE, CITY HUNTER, PITBUL, COMBAT FORCE or VEIL II have caught your ear in recent times, then you need this in the arsenal as well. The sound of boots crushing skulls. No frills, no nonsense hardcore punk.
200 clear/clear cassettes housed in a Norelco box with J-Card and mini poster included. Recorded by James Trejo. Mixed/mastered by Will Killingsworth. Art by Sam.
Our take: If you’re wondering if the debut cassette from this Denver band sounds like it looks, the answer is yes; it sounds exactly like it looks. This is hardcore for bald guys with boots, taking the oi!-tinged style of Negative Approach and Negative FX and sprinkling it with violence-inducing mid-paced breakdowns from the Cro-Mags school. Direct Threat has three gears: fast and tough, slow and tough, and catchy and tough, and they’re equally powerful playing in each. The recording is nasty, but clear enough that the power comes across. Don’t expect any surprises, but don’t expect to be disappointed either. This one goes.
200 clear/clear cassettes housed in a Norelco box with J-Card and mini poster included. Recorded by James Trejo. Mixed/mastered by Will Killingsworth. Art by Sam.
Our take: If you’re wondering if the debut cassette from this Denver band sounds like it looks, the answer is yes; it sounds exactly like it looks. This is hardcore for bald guys with boots, taking the oi!-tinged style of Negative Approach and Negative FX and sprinkling it with violence-inducing mid-paced breakdowns from the Cro-Mags school. Direct Threat has three gears: fast and tough, slow and tough, and catchy and tough, and they’re equally powerful playing in each. The recording is nasty, but clear enough that the power comes across. Don’t expect any surprises, but don’t expect to be disappointed either. This one goes.