Grammy-nominated outfit Code Orange follow-up their breakout 2017 album Forever with the new record, Underneath. Produced by vocalist/drummer Jami Morgan and Nick Raskulinecz with co-producer Will Yip, Underneath features additional programming from Chris Vrenna, and was mixed by Yip and Eric "Shade" Balderose. Underneath finds Code Orange once again confounding expectations, piling element on element, and towering towards the sky. Rattling drum loops give way to bursts of rage as Underneath transforms into something colossal, daring, and resilient, setting the tone for one of the year's most exhilarating heavy records. "Underneath is about facing the duality in ourselves as individuals and as a society in an overcrowded, overexposed, all-consuming digital nirvana," explains Morgan. "Everyone has a voice and no one's seems to matter...plummet down the rabbit hole of your deepest fears, anxieties and regrets to confront the monster that has been building underneath, down we go."