Punk in a Foreign Space: Tales from Writing the History of Russian Punk Rock zine

Punk in a Foreign Space: Tales from Writing the History of Russian Punk Rock zine

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68 page booklet contains short stories by Alex Herbert from his 5 years researching for the oral history 'What About Tomorrow?: A History of Russian Punk Rock" (Microcosm Publishing).

Printed in the great state of Rhode Island by ALC Copies.


"As I sawed and sawed away at this massive trunk I couldn’t help but think about my current predicament. I was standing in the middle of the woods with a Soviet punk legend getting wood to keep warm. Hundreds of thousands of miles away my daughter and her mother were sleeping soundly in Boston, perhaps dreaming about where I was and hoping for my safety. It was really a surreal moment of adult reflection and I ended the internal dialog by hoping that some day my daughter will have the same surreal thought, only she’ll be thinking about what her father is doing in the United States while she’s off somewhere.

Feddy was done with punk. When we got back to his house we cut up the wood some more and listened to old American country music. He was fascinated by country music and bluegrass, unsure about the difference but enthralled by the sounds. We talked about Hank Williams, the Grand Ole Opry and the Country Gentlemen. For a second I actually convinced myself that I knew what I was talking about.

Feddy had gotten into so much trouble in the Soviet period over his punk music that he was expecting some kind of return. As the 1990s rolled in and a new generation kicked out the Soviet stalwarts, Feddy was unfortunately lumped with them. His music and projects from the 1980s were forgotten in favor of more Western-influenced and idealistic punk. It was enough for him to feel lost in a subculture he helped pave the way for, so he dropped it.