Never change a winning team, so ETT is honoured to bring you the debut EP from Bay Areas finest UK 82 influenced supergroup SABRE. A strong brand of a sound between early UK punk-meets- early US hardcore. The members are known from their previous band like SYNTHETIC ID, NIGHTSTICK JUSTICE and COLD CIRCUITS and so the word supergroup makes totally sense.
These guys play a thumping, tough as nails, stripped down and catchy as hell brand of classic 1-2, 1-2 UK82 inspired hardcore punk with bruising vocals, sharp guitar riffs and a rhythm section that sounds like it's done a pharmacy full of speed. Gritty and loud production elevates what could otherwise be doomed to dollar bin hell.
Four songs of ripping punk created by some of the key members of the Bay Area punk scene. Staying away from the epic side of things, SABRE keeps their songs catchy and punk. No fakes on this platter just punks playing what they love. That says it all. No trend, no fashion, just pissed friends shreddin' fast and loud.
This EP is a real steel toe tapper!
Our take: Debut record from this new band out of the Bay Area. The label sells it short by calling it a hybrid of UK82 and USHC; that’s not inaccurate, but these songs are more interesting than a simple throwback. The guitar player uses dissonant chords that remind me of Die Kreuzen or Articles of Faith, and the band has a quirky sense of rhythm that’s unique and interesting. The vocals sound like any number of gruff 80s hardcore frontmen, but the music is so left of center it defies my attempts to find comparisons. However, if you’re a fan of bands who are raging, progressive, and unique (think AoF, Mecht Mensch, or even the creepy anarcho-punk of Part 1), this is a recommended weirdo ripper.