Finally, "Hidden In Eternity" and "Eraser III" are put to the perfect format and classed up nicely by some of the finest design work Ryan Tong has ever done. Taking the path of 2018's bulldozing "What Do You Stand For?" LP, S.H.I.T. cranked out 2 perfect tracks of hyped up hardcore bombfall with the signature snarl that you've come to know and love. Perfect music.
Our take: Over 3 years have gone by since these Canadian sexual humans in turmoil released their debut LP What Do You Stand For? Finally, S.H.I.T. has returned with 2 brand new tracks of intense noise on the mighty Iron Lung label. Vocalist Ryan Tong’s beautiful artwork on this new single presents an amorphous structure that radiates pink and blue, which could be read as either organic or cosmic. This is also a great way to describe S.H.I.T.’s music. The band always delivers a pulverizing brand of hardcore with a barbaric, pummeling rage, but creates an atmosphere that feels strange and otherworldly. Jonah Falco’s mix on these two blazing tracks is thick and weighty, making the band sound more powerful than ever. The A-side track “Hidden In Eternity” hits the listener immediately with repeated, pounding blows, but an eerie, inescapable notion of claustrophobia lurks just beneath the surface. The third installment of “Eraser” is a refined blast of raw energy that closes with the goosebump-inducing battle cry: “Fear is the killer, the killer! Fear is the killer in my mind!” It’s a shame that after such a long wait, we’re only provided 2 songs to consume, but this single is one of the band’s finest moments and will leave you feeling satiated for a while.
Our take: Over 3 years have gone by since these Canadian sexual humans in turmoil released their debut LP What Do You Stand For? Finally, S.H.I.T. has returned with 2 brand new tracks of intense noise on the mighty Iron Lung label. Vocalist Ryan Tong’s beautiful artwork on this new single presents an amorphous structure that radiates pink and blue, which could be read as either organic or cosmic. This is also a great way to describe S.H.I.T.’s music. The band always delivers a pulverizing brand of hardcore with a barbaric, pummeling rage, but creates an atmosphere that feels strange and otherworldly. Jonah Falco’s mix on these two blazing tracks is thick and weighty, making the band sound more powerful than ever. The A-side track “Hidden In Eternity” hits the listener immediately with repeated, pounding blows, but an eerie, inescapable notion of claustrophobia lurks just beneath the surface. The third installment of “Eraser” is a refined blast of raw energy that closes with the goosebump-inducing battle cry: “Fear is the killer, the killer! Fear is the killer in my mind!” It’s a shame that after such a long wait, we’re only provided 2 songs to consume, but this single is one of the band’s finest moments and will leave you feeling satiated for a while.